The Successful Founder

Web Design

the successful founder web design suki marketing

Building a platform fit for oodles of content

The Successful Founder was originally built using a GoDaddy web builder, which left little room for customisation, growth and UX improvements. Having known TSF for some time, we were more than excited to take on such a growing, content-rich project. We worked closely with them to transition their website into WordPress, allowing plenty of room for a lot of content and expansion.

Services involved:

How we've helped them

When The Successful Founder first spoke to our team, they were frustrated with the limitation of a GoDaddy built website. During our chat, we reassured TSF founder Lisa Curtiss that we could work to recreate (and improve) her existing website, filled with hundreds of articles, into a new, faster WordPress design.

With so much content to handle, it was no small task to ensure everything looked just right. Now breathe… 

The story so far

After implementing a new structure, navigation and overall look and feel, we worked closely with Lisa to keep an eye on how users were experiencing the website. According to feedback from real visitors, we were able to add new features, ‘read more’ buttons and icons for quick access to further articles and information.

As standard, we always work closely with our clients to ensure they know how to edit every element of their website. We carried out training with Lisa so she felt confident about uploading new content and making swift edits.

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the successful founder web design suki marketing

The outcome

In need of smarter navigation (to improve user experience all round), we worked with Lisa to help define the categories and priorities of their content. This included structuring a ‘featured articles’ section, with each category broken down for easy reading.

With the goal of building their subscriber list, we quickly found opportunities to highlight this across their website, without getting on the nerves of visitors. After all, we all hate constant pop-ups, right?

While this project proposed plenty of challenges, it was definitely an exciting one to see come together.

Lisa CurtissThe Successful Founder | Founder
"It has been a pleasure working with Suzie and her team at Suki Marketing throughout our recent campaign. Suzie is always one step ahead with ideas and instantly picked up on our corporate identity and messages to market and improved them significantly.

She communicates in a clear, precise and intelligent manner that makes it easy for us to understand her ideas and intentions and allows for smooth and rapid progress."

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